Port of Portland: 10:05:24 Sat 29/03/2025
Safety, Health & Environment Policies

Safety, Health & Environment Policies

Safety Alert Number: 1800 259 310

You can call Port of Portland’s safety alert number about any safety issues or poor housekeeping on port. Alternatively, you can send an email to Contact Us

Reporting of accidents, incidents and near misses is an integral part of Port of Portland’s accident prevention program. It triggers an investigation into the causes of the accident, enabling remedial action to be taken, and through the collection of statistics, identifies priorities. If you are involved in an accident, incident or near miss, we encourage you to report it immediately using the IOR form below or telephone us on the Safety Alert Number 1800 259 310.



This policy (‘OHS Policy’) defines Port of Portland Pty Ltd’s commitment to the occupational health and safety of people in all aspects of our business.


This document applies to Port of Portland Pty Ltd (POPL) and will be observed by all Directors, employees, agents, contractors and other workers.

Policy statement

Nothing is more important to us at POPL than the safety and wellbeing of our employees, our contractors and our community. We have a commitment to achieving and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace with a fair and just culture. This underpins a strong ethic of mutual responsibility for each other’s safety. By cultivating safety leadership at all levels, we strive for a workplace free from both physical and mental harm.

To achieve this objective, we require all employees and contractors to ensure that the personal health and safety, as well as the health and safety of our colleagues, workmates and the general public, is of the highest priority. We will take action to prevent all foreseeable injuries and illnesses. Our leaders will demonstrate safe behaviours and will fulfil their duty to consult regularly with employees and contractors to improve health and safety decision-making.

We will develop and refine a management system compliant with ISO 45001:2018, systematically implementing sound risk management principles to eliminate hazards and reduce OHS risks. This system will include a framework for establishing OHS management objectives in consultation with our employees.

We will fully comply with both the letter and spirit of the law including the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic), the Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Act 2012 (Commonwealth) the Marine Safety Act 2010 (Vic) their regulations, relevant standards and industry codes.

(Version No. 14, 5 October 2023)


The Port of Portland is a bulk port providing both import and export services for a range of commodities including forestry products, mineral sands, aluminium products, grains, fertilisers and livestock.  Safe harbour and operating facilities for the fishing industry are also provided.

The Board of Directors and management have a strong commitment to ensuring continual improvement of the Port of Portland’s environmental management performance. This commitment comes from the understanding that quality environmental management is integral to best work practices and successful business performance.

To protect and improve the state of the environment the Port of Portland will:

  • Comply with all relevant environmental legislation and regulations and all other requirements to which the port subscribes, including meeting obligations under the Port Management Act 1995 and the Port of Portland Safety and Environment Management System (which we call SEMS).
  • Develop and maintain environmental policies and procedures in consultation with employees, contractors, customers, suppliers, lessees, port users, government service providers and the Portland community.
  • Establish and pursue environmental objectives and targets that are designed to improve the environmental management performance of the port.
  • Apply measures to prevent pollution of the environment (e.g. oil spills, contamination of marine ecosystems and fugitive dust as well as noise emissions).
  • Ensure environmental awareness and compliance for Port of Portland employees, contractors and directors.
  • Encourage environmental awareness and responsibility for all personnel operating on the port’s land through the establishment of port user operating licences, contracts, inductions and regular communication through the Port User Group (PUG).
  • Maintain a certified environmental management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 45001 and ISO 14001.
Port of Portland