Port of Portland: 09:23:08 Sat 29/03/2025
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. Background

Port of Portland Pty Ltd (POPL) must comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) (collectively Privacy Laws), which regulate the collection, storage, quality, use and disclosure of personal information. 

This policy describes the way that POPL collects, holds and discloses personal information and the controls it has imposed to ensure compliance with the Privacy Laws.

In this policy the terms “personal Information” and “sensitive information” bear their meanings defined in the Privacy Laws, but in substance, “personal information” refers to information about or related to an identifiable individual, while “sensitive information” is personal information about the relevant individual which is subject to additional controls. It includes details such as ethnic origin, political and religious affiliations, sexual preferences and criminal histories.

2. The Information POPL Collects

POPL will only collect information of individuals that is necessary for operating its business and will collect personal information in a lawful manner.

Personal information, including in some cases sensitive information, may be obtained by POPL from its commercial dealing with customers and suppliers, from its employees and potential employees, for port entry permits, and in relation to boat owners and fishermen. The kind of information collected will depend on the purpose for which it is collected. For representatives of customers and suppliers, POPL typically collects name, telephone and email contact details. In relation to employees and potential employees POPL may collect name and home contact details, including addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses. For employees, POPL may also collect details of date of birth and next of kin for emergency contact purposes. For the issue of port entry permits, POPL collects driver’s licence or passport details and the individual’s reason for needing port access, in addition to contact details, and for boat owners and fishermen, POPL collects vessel registration details, where applicable, as well as contact details. POPL may also collect information about your involvement in any incident that occurs in the Port precinct and information about a complaint or any feedback you submit.

Generally, POPL does not collect sensitive information. However, some sensitive information, such as details of relevant medical conditions, may be collected where it is directly relevant to the individual’s dealings with POPL and the individual concerned consents to the collection of that information by POPL.

3. How Information is Collected

POPL only collects personal information that is volunteered by the individuals concerned.

So far as is reasonably possible POPL is happy to deal with individuals anonymously or under a pseudonym. Generally, POPL provides general information about its services without requiring contact details. However, for security reasons, POPL cannot allow port access to unidentified individuals.

In all situations where personal information has been provided to POPL, and those details subsequently change, POPL requests that updated information be provided to ensure POPL’s records are kept up to date.

4. How POPL Uses the Information it Collects

POPL will only use and disclose personal information for the purpose for which it is collected and will only disclose such information in accordance with the Privacy Act. Specifically, POPL uses the personal information it collects:

(a) to communicate with its customers and market its services to customers and potential customers;

(b) to enable POPL to provide services to the individuals to whom the information relates;

(c) to assess job applications, where the information relates to a job applicant; and

(d) to monitor access to and use of port facilities in order to ensure the security of the port.

5. Disclosure of Personal Information

POPL may engage third parties to act on its behalf, for example: information technology suppliers, maintenance contractors, security contractors and professional advisors. POPL may disclose personal information it has collected to these third parties for the purposes of their work and, equally, they may provide POPL with personal information they have collected from individuals on POPL’s behalf in the course of providing the relevant services. In all cases where the information was collected by POPL, or on POPL’s behalf by those service providers, it will be stored, accessed and used in accordance with this policy and POPL will ensure that all service providers it engages comply with this policy.

If POPL intends to disclose any personal information it collects from you in any other manner than those contemplated in the preceding paragraph of this section 5, POPL will inform you at the time the information is collected. Otherwise POPL will only disclose the personal information it collects where required or authorised to do so by law.

POPL will not disclose any personal information it collects to any person located outside Australia unless:

(a) it has obtained the consent of the person to whom the information relates to that disclosure;

(b) the recipient of the information is subject to a law or binding scheme, that provides at least a substantially similar level of protection in respect of the use of personal information to that available under Australian law and the person to whom the information relates is directly able to enforce their rights in respect of that protection; or

(c) the disclosure is otherwise in compliance with POPL’s obligations under the Privacy Act.

6. Security and Access

POPL is committed to keeping personal information secure and will take all reasonable precautions to protect any information held. POPL will also destroy or de-identify any personal information it holds when it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected.

If you wish to obtain a copy of any personal information POPL holds which relates to you, request that POPL correct that information, request that POPL delete that information or make a complaint relating to POPL’s collection or use of personal information, please contact us:

Privacy Officer
Port of Portland Pty Limited
PO Box 292
Portland VIC 3305

(03) 5525 0900

Please note that POPL will require you to adequately identify yourself when requesting a copy of your personal information.

POPL aims to respond to any complaint within 30 days and act reasonably in resolving all complaints. If you are unsatisfied with the response from POPL, you may wish to address your complaint to the Office of Australian Information Commissioner, GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001, Email:

Last updated November 2018

Port of Portland