Lee Breakwater (S. L. Patterson Berth)
The Lee Breakwater forms the northern boundary of the harbour and runs in an east-west direction. It is 1179m long and its extremity is in 12.2m of water. It is open to the public but might be restricted during adverse weather conditions or for safety/security reasons when vessels are berthed on the SL Patterson Berth.
Intermittent closures of Lee Breakwater (S. L. Patterson Berth) One of Port of Portland’s greatest strengths is its diversity of commodities, catering for the exports of grains, logs, woodchips, minerals and livestock and the imports of fertiliser, minerals and wind blades.
Maximising berth utilisation is a challenge due to loading constraints owing to specific equipment, particularly ship loaders and conveyors, required to handle specific commodities to and from ships. Flexibility in berth usage is sought to optimise the flow of commodities through the port.
The SL Patterson berth on the Lee Breakwater will be used to free up time on the busiest berths, therefore requiring intermittent closure from the tide station gate onwards. From a safety prospective, access to the public is restricted when activity is occurring. Gates are re-opened when the area is considered safe.
Port of Portland is committed to providing public access to the Lee Breakwater when it is safe to do so, to be enjoyed by the angling, diving and local community.
For information regarding access to the Lee Breakwater, please refer to the shipping schedule or call (03) 5525 2450.
Fishermens Wharf
The Fishermens Wharf is located along the canal, south of the original breakwater. The wharf includes berths located on the western side of the old breakwater. It is about 370m long. The water along the wharf is about 2m deep at chart datum.
Berthing of private vessels is prohibited.
Port of Portland announced new operators for the 300 tonne and 100 tonne slipways, effective from 15 April 2020.
Scott Kempton is the new operator of the Portland 300 tonne slipway. Scott can be contacted on 0408 637 025.
Portland Slipway Inc. is the new operator of the 100 tonne slipway. Key representatives of this entity are Mark Johns, Bob Stone and Garry Kerr.
Trawler Wharf
The Trawler Wharf is located in the western part of the harbour and runs in a north-south direction. The wharf is approximately 138m long and vessels are berthed on the eastern side, where the water is 4m deep at chart datum. The wharf accommodates Portland’s trawler fishing fleet and itinerant vessels and from time to time, accommodates other vessels for special events, exceptional circumstances, or emergencies.
In July 2009 Glenelg Shire Council was appointed as Manager of the Portland Bay Local Port (Trawler Wharf) on behalf of the Crown (under the Crown Land Reserves Act 1978).

All enquiries relating to the Trawler Wharf should be directed to Glenelg Shire Council. Please call (03) 5522 2140.