Port of Portland: 06:46:33 Sat 15/03/2025
Departure of MV Jawan

Departure of MV Jawan

Early this morning the MV Jawan departed Port of Portland bound for Muscat, Oman. Soon after departure it was evident that the ship was rolling from side to side. Just after exiting the harbour the pilot decided to turn and head back to port. The ship was then returned to its departure point.

The MV Jawan is a livestock vessel which was carrying 4,327 breed stock cattle. It has been reported to Port of Portland that there are no injuries to the cattle or any personnel onboard.

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has detained the vessel this morning and an investigation will be conducted. At this early stage it is not known when this investigation will be completed. Until such time, Port of Portland is not able to provide any further information.

All inquiries regarding this event should be directed to Greg Tremewen, Chief Executive Officer, on (03) 5525 0900.

Port of Portland